
Christmas date ideas that don’t suck

It’s that time of year, where you’re feeling all cozy and warm and ready for the holidays. All the romantic Christmas movies are on, and you’d love to romantasize a date day with you and your partner, but to be honest dragging each other to Christmas markets, and crowded light displays is not your idea of a good time.


I’ve included a list of fun events ( Vancouver area ) and Ideas you can create on your own!

Christmas Date Ideas

#1 – Decorate your house naked

But Megan, what if we have kids… or neighbours..

Ok, maybe you don’t have to be naked… but a long ago I realized how stressed I would get having my kids help do ALL the decorating. So one evening I decided to open a bottle of wine, put the kids to bed, and decorate ONE room all by myself. I put up our tree, danced to Christmas music, and truly had the best freaking time of my life. My kids woke up the next morning, excited to see the tree, and to help make additions to other parts of the house. Not once did they complain that I did some decorating on my own time. So now, I have this special little date night!

Seriously, make a little tradition for you two. And maybe It could involve nudity.


#2 – Map out all the best treats, and spend the day finding them all.

I live in Abbotsford, and our coffee shop to resident ratio is pretty even. We have like 25… LOL SO my challenge to you is to do a little research on what seasonal treats they may have, and make a list! Then, you can dedicate one evening a week ( or two, or an entire day ) to go and grab a coffee and taste test their seasonal offerings. Take a photo of you two in each place and you can hang them up on your tree, the fire place, wherever!


#3 – Road trip

What would Christmas be like in a new place?

Ok, maybe not actually on Christmas, but what about renting an airbnb for a few days in the neighbouring city, and spending your time exploring what they have to offer? Act like a tourist and take a million photos, eat at their local restaurants, and cozy up back in your airbnb watching your favourite movies, eating your fav snacks? Pretend you’re living in a hallmark movie for a few days…

Christmas date ideas

#4 – Write each other “Santa letters”

Could you imagine if you could ask your partner for ANYTHING, because Santas magical power could bring it to life?

How about the power of simply telling someone what you need/want from them. There is so much magic in honesty, and I know it’s hard to express yourself. So give letter writing a try. It could be that you really want to take a vacation with them. Or that you’d like more time in the evenings together. Or maybe you want to explore something in your sex life. A letter expressing how much you love and appreciate them, along with your wishes, goals, desires, is a gift you both benefit from. Plus it might be a fun way to discover something new about each other.


#5 – Book a steamy photoshoot with Megan Ashley Creative ( that’s me! )

The ultimate gift of intimacy is a steamy experience. It will re ignite the spark in your relationship, and allow the two of you to feel safe and comfortable to be vulnerable. These can be in your own home, rent an Airbnb, family cottage, wherever you two love to be! For more information, head to my website to learn more about how I’m able to get you comfortable enough to be naked!

Christmas date ideas



I believe everyone deserves to be free and comfortable to be themselves unapologetically. 
I support all types of love, genders and colors. This is a safe and open place to create.

Specializing in intimate photography & Elopements