pride vancouver

Steamy, Weddings + Elopements

Pride Month – How I work with Queer couples, more specifically Trans couples

pride vancouver

A common question that I’m asked often is if I work with the LGBTQIA+ community. My answer is always a resounding YES. It isn’t always enough to just “say” your a safe place for the queer community, we also need to show it, talk about it, and stand up for queer rights.

So let’s talk about what working with queer couples can look like. For the most part, it’s the same as hetero couples. Although we may have more in-depth conversations around safety from anyone happening to see us, it remains similar. What I truly want to talk about, though, is nudity. Because for someone who is transitioning, being naked doesn’t feel authentic. So how do we work to create a space and experience that does?

1 – Building a trusting relationship. I begin all my client relationships with a healthy and open conversation about why they want to do this experience, who they are individually, and what they are like as a couple. I share personal parts of my life and ask for a few from yours. We build a solid foundation, much like any relationship.

2 – Be open about your fears and what makes you feel the most like you. Your body may not represent who you are on the inside, so how can I help make you feel safer while creating? You don’t have to be naked to work with me (although it’s encouraged), but what makes you feel the most “naked” and still authentically you?

3 – Finding a space that is safe and private. Even working outdoors in nature, we can find a remote space for you to explore and feel safe. I have my own Airbnb that is private and a safe space for any queer people. As your photographer, I’m also happy to do my research and confirm that any space we book is also queer-friendly.

4 – Sharing and Privacy. No one ever has to know that we created together. If you want your entire experience to be private, then it will be. The images you see shared throughout my website, social media, and even in this blog have all been approved model calls or clients who have loved their work so much that they wanted it shared with the world. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your privacy.

I hope this helps, I welcome ANY suggestions, corrections, or comments because i’m always learning to be the best fucking ally I can be. Thank you so much for having these conversations with me, and I truly hope that we can create together very soon.



Megan Ashley

I believe everyone deserves to be free and comfortable to be themselves unapologetically. 
I support all types of love, genders and colors. This is a safe and open place to create.

Specializing in intimate photography & Elopements